
Monday 6 September 2010


Awoke in the early morning, attended p.p's mp =)
In charge the game. LMAO!
They look funny but really pro ^^

10.30am, finished! went hui eng's house for a look =P
hahahaha! Her dog were seriously kinda CUTE!

oh myy~ feel like goin to bring bak home. =P

Get shock when saw his brother.
Very besar! =X

wheeeeeeee! =D

Went van's house =)
Camwhore time of cos!

Her room was full of purple-ness. LOL!

ingore my mouth x.x

ingore my hand! thk you =X

lalalala x) cant swim, but can play water.

My shirt wet-ed while walking =(

We love peace! dun you? =)

wo hen jian kang ^^

Old town to had our lunch.
ordered laksa! =)

just ignore the whole picha! -.-

otw back home.


Enjoyed the day wid van =)

~TH3 3ND~

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