
Thursday 2 September 2010

It is September ;D

Many things happen today. =(
Hmm, din feel like wanna share it out here.
Just let it over and becum vapor.

Wheeeeee! I use RM20 to bought it =P
My life cant without them! <3 =D

Yesh! wth man``my watch cant move since ytd TT
Awwwwww! sob a! ;_; ... my mood full of sadness now.
Dun leave me alone plz! I seriously nid you everyday.
Seriously cant live without you! Why u wanna dead so fast?!

Wearing sis's now. Damn BIG! -.-
SIGH! 没办法之中的办法 ><
I will buy a new one asap! =D

Wheeeeeeeee! 18 september. Goin attend it. =)
See you guy der. look forward!

Can you guy rmb, how long din you 抄写作文?

Yea. OPY did ytd. Becos of our chiness teacher -.-

It cause me miss my primary life all of a sudden x(

Lastly, pg18 plz! Below 18 please quit dis post now =D
Or just close ur eyes!


I saw it when i arrived my house from skul.
hahaha! They just infront my house! =P
Aduiii~ Lately my house many cats appear.

Until now ... speechless @.@

lalalalala =D

You know, I know, That's enough =)

是你无理取闹 还是我蛮不讲理?

I like dis sentence =D

~TH3 3ND~

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