
Saturday 25 September 2010


I thought it will be OKAY. But, actuallt NOT.

Sigh! My life is full of EMOtion lately.
OPY shoulden be like dat. Yea! You shoulden.

Many feelings toward me. Those ... complicated feelings.
No one can share with me. No one can help me.
You should settle it urself =)

But i hope all of you will support me. Always.
I hope you can beside me when i need you
I cant live without my frenz. You noe ~

Ytd, it was the last class of Milky green for dis year.
I thought i wont cry. Everytime also I thought!
But, i still cried out.

Many picha suddenly appear in my brain.
I cant control my tears.
Everybody cried! ohh~

I miss 5 of them <3
Take k well my seniors. :D

Hmm ...

Skip school today. Not feeling well.
Sick sick sick. fml

I'm tired~ Seriously tired.
You ever dunno how big is my presure for dis PMR!
Sick till my brain sot liao.

Idk wad am i writing now.

My food allergy pop out once again since i awake today.
So? Just accept it.

Keep coughing ~ havent recover.
Already 2 weeks i think.
So? Just accept it too.

I no need everybody's LOVE!
Just ignore me if you feel imma annoying.
Sometime, imma very weary to dis world.


Okay fine! i'm okay now :)
Ignore diis post.

~TH3 3ND~

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