
Monday 13 September 2010

Hari Raya

10.9.10 =)

It is the 1st day of Hari Raya.
 But also is the day of my uncle nid fly to Australia for work.
Sigh! Gonna miss he 3 months. or maybe 3 years? =/

After took lunch wid he, we went ts for a movie.
Reason  : I x boleh masuk. Blocked by a malay guard!

Duh he! Awwwwwwwww~ Pek cek sangat! >.<

FINE! so we decided walk around ts just for fun? =P

Stand there for an hour.
Just to see those ppl played in the theme park.
But no go in at last x)

And i saw a ticket on the floor while standing there.

But just 1 ticket and it is child's
so ...

Went in here. duh! ==
Dianasour! scary! cold! shock!

Nite, skip tuition and went dinner wid my family.
Steamboat x)
I love them so much. Keep laughing dat day.

Dad and mum more 幽默 liao =P

lalalala. MY RYNN! =D

And look at our fish. Gonna lay egg soon x)

P/s : Selamat Hari Raya to all malay =)

~TH3 3ND~

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