
Tuesday 14 September 2010

Genting 1 day trip

Pretty morning.
 Dad decided bring us to genting for 1 day trip.
=) ... of cos we say YES DADDY! XD

It started traffic jam while reached here. @.@
Just imagine how many ppl are goin genting now

otw =D

We finally reached! x)

Used 45 min to genting from my house.
Not dat long journey actually =D

lalalalala. many cars ++

Find the parking already used half an hour -.-

wheeeeeeee. parked the car. walk to theams park. 

wootss! ^^

failed to tipu im a kid -.-
so ...

bought adult's ticket zzz

The 1st game we played x)

Carousel :) ... slow dao ._.

Queuing time x(

Yea. the 2nd game we played. idk wad's the name

Im enough tall! i can play =P

The dragon train? hmm, x train actually.
Kinda fast like roller coster. omg TT
My tears almost came out ><'''

I wan the BEAR! =(

The london bus =D

Haunted house @.@
All picha inside. one ghost pun takda. duh!
Btw, i still CLOSE my eye xD

If got chance, go and try indoor's haunted house.
And u will noe. wad a haunted house means =)

Motor boat. lame. idk how to drive.
laught till me stomach pain ~.~

4 of us. always us =P

You know wad?! suddenly rain heavly =.=
wt duh ... so everyone were went into indoor.
GOSH! how hot was der. @.@

moon cake festiva is around the cornea ^^

After 1 an hour, rain almost stop. continue =D

woots! HOW DARE AM I? XD

Very chi gek! so i played 2nd time again =P

Keep screaming while playing dis. Pirate Ship
x becos of scary but becos of PK ing =P

LMAO! We pk wid another gang.
see who screamed more louder.
hahahahaha! i like it altought very idiot.

Imagine those aunty scream wid you! those feel!
hahahaha xD

Unconsciously, 7pm reached =(
Is time to go back.

sigh! 7 hours for 7 games. keep on queueing.

Dat a peak day wad. x.x

Anyways, i get fun der =D
thk to my family !

the view at genting while it is 7pm =)

~TH3 3ND~

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