
Sunday 26 September 2010

Poi wei's bufday party

26.9.10 =)

The present for her. I like it so muchii actually =(

Well, meet daniel @ 7pm.

Many ppl dat we dunno. woots! =x

Balloon balloon <3

Finally jessie reach liao. @.@
Thk god! =D

Octopus! Still rmb the story about it?
hahaha! ewwwww...

I'm goin to put it into mounth =/

Leave its head, throw into rubbish bin liao ~.~

3 of us. dunno wad to do -.-

ulala. xD

We thought it will POP out ~ but ... lmao!

Cheer ! =D

Went garden. Gave blood to mosquito pulak -.-

The bufday girl ^^

My siao po =D

Blueberry's cake =) ... I still prefer chocolate =p

Too dark le x.x

Always did those mou liu things x)

Hong Ji Dan! =)

Buffer ~

Beer =/ ... ohh no =(

Played 10, 15 ~ x.x
I drunk liaw laaaaa =(((

Trying to finished all. haha!

Xuan xuan =D

Buuuuu chaaaaa! LMAO!

I like kids always. Dun you? x)

I love her. She love me.
We love each other ^^

ULALA! Dat all =)

~TH3 3ND

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