
Monday 20 September 2010


September 18 - went mooncake festiva @ my skul.
Bringing a excite heart to there.

Total 4 tickets =)

Cat, Leslie, Me and my sis ~

Riddles and games

26/30 we got~ =P *winks

So got dis two as our present? yea x)

Start the show. bla bla bla

Hui yi's ladden's get 1st prize dat night!
woots! CONGRATZ =D


Shadow play of the night.

Balloon balloon! =P

Lion dance of the night =)

My two bf =P

2/10 ball in x) ... x bad liao laa ^^

Should say finally used all the coupon. =)

Macam TBC more den mooncake festiva -.-

Quite bored ~ xc

wheeeeeeee! =D

Took dis two picha in a rush situation.

Hmm ... XD

Dat all =D

~TH3 3ND~

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