
Thursday 16 December 2010

6J'07 gathering.

Yeshh ! Planed very long since @ the 1st month of 2010.
And finally everybody is free. 
So came out for a small gathering @ ts.

@ 1st, everyone thought it just few ppl. like 5 or 6?
The mood and feel were like , it will be a such boring gathering.
Doink ! D: 

 But at last , it were 14 ppl there!
And we were very very very hapii and enjoyed .


So let's picha do talking =)

10am , i meet up with Tuck Xiong, Shadow, Yit Yeng and Kee Keat @ Lrt ampang start lines .

They were late ! =S  
3 years x meet , i really scare i cant recognized them.
HAHAHA! Very funny laa the accident @ there x)

Sat LRT to Hang Tuah then walked to ts.
Need to cross a big big road @.@
And all were guys just me one GIRL ! lmao =/

Reached ts, meet up with Evelyn and Elaine.
Then Jia En and Xue Er , Fang Lee, Xue Jie, 
Woon Chin, Racheal , Khai Jhung also came.

Went GASOLINE for our lunch .
The cartoon world . awesome =P

We used 15-20 min to orderd a plate of mee . 
The waiter also speechless . haha!

PEACE ! The name . =D
The leng luii beside me was Evelyn <3
The cute guy beside me was Tuck Xiong =)
From left to right : Fang Lee , Xue Jie , me , shadow ^^
The 5 of us ! I love them so much and also miss them =(
I miss the time when i was still standard 6 ! 
The guy sat beside me when i was standard 6 ! 
我的邻座! HAHAHA!
He is pro in badminton , science and math . I still rmb! 
And he like red and pink x)
ulala! Many girls love to sit with he @ dat time. xD 
After our lunch , went bowling but failed but roller ! LOL!
My 1st time roller . SIGH! A BIG BIG SIGH!
Very suck a! =(((( Keep fall down like already 8 times?
Yit Yeng =D
Elaine Wong =)
Xue Jie =)
Shadow =)
 Xiong Zai =)

A gor ~ Leslie Chew

Yea, i meet he @ there =P
Very pro in roller @.@ also make me fall down many times liao
HAHA! But thk you. xD
Havent get my result already belanja you liao :D
6J'10 <3

Some random picture here =)
And our group picha ! very blur =(
For clearly picha plz view my fb .

Racheal =)

Lazy to type out all the name again . 
Just view picha? =D

His eyes cacat liao =S
Smart boy and damn rich! HAHA
A funny guy . last time very frenz with he =)
The leng luii . pengawas . same as me ^^
This time normal liao. xD
Very tall damn tall super tall =(
btw, he really look cute ! <3
Xue er - our ketua tingkatan last time =D
Jia En - Pro in study? ^^
Pengawas too =)

After roller , went ding ding place . just trying to let the time over.

2 guys here . HAHA! FUN FUN FUN ! :D

 And last , after roller . my leg and butt . pain like hell 

GOSH! I think no second time liao? :P

Btw , start missing you all =(
Hope got the 2nd gathering again ^^

Good luck to all of you in 23 December ! Hiak hiak <3
Must maintain our contact ! Friendship forever ! 

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