
Wednesday 8 December 2010

A short post for my thailand trip.

Yes. I had almost 500 photos in my camera
and had 1000+ photos @ emelyne camera.

So just imagine how would i update my blog with all of those photos?
So i had choose 74 pichass only . HAHA!
It's enough for you all laa i think.

More pichas please view my album @ fb.
The 1st album : Click here
The 2nd album : Click here 
The 3rd album : Click here =P
Well. still waiting emelyne's camera's photoss.
Will upload more @ the 3rd album. wait ya.
Kinda luen shui for my pichass. No arrange. So just let pichas do talking.
5 days 4 nights. Strat from here =)

 The hotel @ Pattaya. Because of the PMS!
I cant swiming. =S

The view from my hotel room =)

 @ nite. we went hang gai @ the street.
It was just like petaling street @ KL.

 A gua show too. yesh! All of them were A GUA! :D

 Just seleceted some to put in my blog.
For more view my album ba. =)
Serioualy LENG LUII !
 The scary monkey. HAHA!
Guess it's real or fake? =P 

KFC of Thailand.


Dunno why. There were so famous of those crocodile.
You can saw it everywhere.

 Mummy buying the bag.

 This two were the a gua too ! =S
Cant imagine rite? x)

 Our room @ bangkok.

 Our hotal @ bangkok.

 This place was awesome.
All of the mamak were on the boat .
And the boat was on the river.

 The view very nice too.

 Somethings like dat laa xD

 Banana ice cream ! <3

 Had elephant show.

 Seriously very PRO ! 

Those elephant can dance, play football, drawing, play bowling
Paly basket ball, say hello and act CUTE ! 


 After dat, we went ant's  world for some capturing.

 Holding all the beesss! lalala! *brave

 Maggie mee in thailand. The biggest size ! :O

 Sitting the famous dudu car @ thailand.

 Yes. you can saw christmas tree and those christmas stuff everywhere.


It make me cant eat ice cream, pineapple and watermelon.
It make me cant swimming.
It make me cant drink cold soft drink.
It make me feel very not feeling well during the trip ! 


 mcd @ bangkok! HAHA! 

 The stage @ CENTRAL CENTLE!

Had a good memorise @ there .
The night i went there was very down and bad!
Feeling cry all the times.

All the adults were just busying buying their stuff .
Feel so bad ! =S

I walked to the stage alone.
Some of the guys were dancing there.
Very pro. Break dance, P - pop, etc ...

Standing there alone like 30 mins? =/
One of the guy was realised me.
Maybe he noe wad am i thinking...

Well, thk you for all of dat.
Seriously feel very thankful at the time .
He maked me smile =) <3

Although we dunno each other.
Just noe he's a dancer. Goin performance soon.

 The next day, i went there again. I hope to see he again.
But sigh! I just saw his partners. without he.
Quite dissapointed dat time =(

But nvm laa.  

有缘自然会见 不管在世界的哪一个角落 只要你相信 =) 谢谢你 ^^

Continue my trip ...

 The handsome guy ! =D *heart him 

 Had some capturing @ the shopping mall.

 The day. We walked 5 hours non - stop.
WTH! -______-

Keep shopping shopping and shopping.
Tired dou sit @ the toilet for rest. =S
Gila siao!

 Sunday. Was the Thailand's king bufday.
So lucky! haha! Very riuh rendah! =D
Nice nice nice!
 Just awoke. =(
Everyday just slept like 5-6 hours? 

 Sitting boat @ the early morning.

 Went shopping again with the boat. LAWLS!

 The bus. The last day. Otw to airport.
Yesh! Goin to back KL.

 Thailand's airport.

 Waiting our turn to check in again.

 Before that, went lunch @ there.

 Shopping again @ the airport. Bought many wines because it were dutyfree.

 The big big lolipop ! no buy. =(

 Waiting the airplanes.


 This picha was otw to thailand. HAHAHA!
I already said. The picha is x arrange. so sorry =/

 The 1st day @ hotel having breakfast.

 The 1st day @ restaurant having lunch.

 Went here.

 Had tiger show ...

 Crocodile show ... 

 And piggy show. xD

 Tiger was very cute . not fierce @ alll .

 Dinner @ the 1st day.

 The day we went bangkok was raining day.

And stuck in the traffic jam like 2 hours? -___-



 Waiting ppl to check in .

 LOOK! Bangkok 's traffic were so TERUK ><

 The place who king live.

 The family =)

 Rainbow ice cream ! :D

 Thailand Taxi colourful =)


nothing much to say.

 My room number. 1201 =P

That all for the post. aa! =)
Finally done.

You guys and gals must view ya!
wo shi wei le ni men er update de ar ! :)

Many feeling came out after the trip.

Tell you guy, the view from airplane was super duper nice!
Damn nice especially at the night ! 
The world was so beautiful ! :D

The sky =)

Wait my pichas ! :D

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