
Monday 20 December 2010

Off to camp ! =D

 Yesssshhhh! It's 20 of december liao. =(
Goin to camp 2moro. 3D2N! omgggeeeeee!
I dun really feel soooo excited! For non reason.

Kawad competition. sigh sigh sigh! Don't look foward too.
I seriously hate it and i really mean it.

Havent prepare and also havent pack my luggage.
But i wrapped my christmas present ! whhheeeeeee!
I like it sooooo muchiii! The one who received sure get SHOCK!

Okay guy, so 23 of december. The day is very important to every F3!
And i still @ camp. sooo? who's care x)
Please pray hard to GOD! plz plz plz ._.

ohhhhhhh mama! I very scare =((((

Btw, goin to off 3 days. and my blog will not be dead!
Please come visit more :D

Still the words, MISS ME! 

I hope i can really enjoy myself in the camp.
Not too much worries about my result. OPY! :)

without me, enjoy with xin xin ya! emelyne and edmund =P

And so sorry that cant join you all go out for celebration.
Gud luck all =) 

Genting too. not goiin D:

and and and , i started feel kinda lazy to pack my things and all stuff.
So manyyy thinggssss! ewwwww! Full u and bootttsss! wth @.@

Gtg! Ciaoz :D

The lovely one <3

为什么你要来波动我的心跳? =S

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