
Friday 31 December 2010

The last week of 2010.

 Now i will update all i did in this week. 
Let's pichas do talking =)

Monday , went to mum's kindergarden for some discussing. 

Years 4 and 5 's books. HAHAHA!

I hope i'm 4 years old now. Too so much trouble =(

My monday. =)

Teachers were busying for their works. 
Skul goin to reopen soon as you knew.

Last friday. Goin to Jusco for buying x'mas present.

LOL yesh! Quite long time ago. But , who's care xD

In the car, otw, so hapii and stupid ._.

HAHA! That's all for last friday.

Saturday, went BBQ @ cousin's house.
 Yay! everyday BBQ XD!

M &M ! :D *likey!!! 

Thks gugu bought from BALI! wheeeee :)
Btw, ate finished liao =/ 

Tuesday! Hui Eng's bufday! <3 
I love you! ^^

Wednesday, bought my cam! cam cam cam! ulalallala :DD

Nah! purple colour d ! or you wan say pink also can.
Wadeva you. =)

Thurday, weny bintang. for fun? =P

Sista buying her shirt.

So bored =/ ...

Friday! WTF! o0o ! seriously. DAMN IT! D:
I wan 4S1 aaaaaaa! Everybody were just in S1. Leave me and van TT
I dun1 ! Why every year must like dat wan.

Last year also . This year also ! =S

S6! Not above 5 boys i think?!!!!! =.=
Go choose S6! -_________-

No brain! Brainless. I dun care. I WAN CHANGE CLASS!
I think almost all ppl also got the same idea with me rite?
Yesh! Let's go ahead! :P

Monday! *faint *dead! 
S6 vs S1 vs S4 ._.

Karmen, Ching Pau, YY, Huai Jun, Sook Hui, Marcus, Lulu, Hui Meng,
Hui Eng, Amalina, Kamal Jit,Yi jing, Yi Jia and etcccc! =(((((( *HELP!

Gud luck! GOD! ;_; D: TT :(

Btw, went duty today. Tired =(
But FUN! Traffic! Hiak hiak :D

Yellow and red cars! :P So nice!

Oh ya! Today i found a kid. And bring her go find her mom.
Lost and Found! hahahaha! 

Well , dun care about the class troble . 
Look foward to the future ! :D
Cheerrr! ^^

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