
Wednesday 29 December 2010

December 29 - My dear RYNN

LOL! ._.

Yes! This post, the main point was DECEMBER 29 !
Ape macam?! maybe for you just a normal date.
But for me! It's very AWESOME! :D 

Yay! Today were his big day! BIG BIG DAY!
Awwwwww! <3 my love ! :P 

Hapii Bufday !!!

Fall in love with he since i was standard 4 i guess.
Till now! 还是依然深爱着他! omgeeeeeee! ewwwww!
wth @.@


Did a bufday card for he. wanna see? ohhh! It's SECRET!
Got my 深情告白 x) lame rite?
Cant belive that OPY with do this kind of stuff.
Who knows? xD

Forever LOVE! ONLY YOU AND ME! :D <3

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