
Friday 14 October 2011

The 50th day without you.

Hurayyyyy tomorrow will be our last day of FINAL EXAM !
We had been suffered 3 weeks !!! 3 WEEKS BABYYYYYYYY!
And finally 2moro is our LAST DAY ! PJK okayfinelol.

Everything go well today :) 
Thks GOD for blessing *lessthanthree always

Yesterday get sick. PANADOL IS LOVE. Ate until I slept from 8pm till the next morning. So I FAILED to touch my math as I still have to sit for my exam.
But at least just now I almost knew how to answer those questions.

I'm gonaaaaaaaaaa FLY.

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! :D

My date for my holidays are pretty full now. EHEM!
I seriously cant wait for it! *smile!!!

Oh , today 朱浩仁 , Jym and ??? came our school. For donation blah3.
Why not lee hom i'm wondering :P Okayi'mdreaming -.-
Not so high as I expected ? Hmmmm :O

最近的我愛上了炸歌 想把自己也一起炸死掉 !

我們之間的約定 是否還存在? 
我不懂 也不想懂。

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