
Thursday 27 October 2011

Milky Green aka 成果展

26th of OCTOBER ! The very very very very very very important day for MILKY GREEN ! :))))))
Hehe ! We planned , put alot of effort , time , money to build up this day.
It can be a gathering for MG , a performance of MG , a birthday celebration for Milo teacher etc. As long as we had a successful day ! :D

Reached family board game in the early morning.
For all the preparation. We were like split the whole shop.
We dismantle the light , the curtain , table , chair etc ...

Everyone are busying doing their own works. 
Berkerjasama very much !! :D

Okay random here :P ! SOT GANG PIC IS THERE ! x)

We used the whole morning and afternoon to set up PA , background and bla bla bla.
Did many works. Everyone are looking forward and damn excited.

Milo lao shi de zhao pian!! xD

Muahahahahahaha! 2008's milky green ! The 1st year I joined :')

All about balloonssss! Used so much time and energy to blow and tie. LOL

I miss my childhood time :'(

Btw, look to wonderful and great ! woohoooooo! *成就感。

We rent the whole FBG yesterday :D

Quiet nervous and worry about our performance actually ._.
But still all goes well luckily :)

Busying doing our props. 

Is time to make-up and change our clothing.
Omg dislike about make-up seriously!!! It make my face more pimples!
DAMN ! Just like now :/ IDK what happened to my face. GOSH!

Birthday present for our lovely milo teacher :D

And a special clock for milky green :) !

Doing our works ... still the way preparing ... 

All the time rushing , even havent eat my lunch :(

They are busying makeup. HAHA!

Some awesome props !!!


Ferrari car ! GENG !

Motor ! YENG! :D

Almost 4pm only ate my lunch TT ! Hungry like hell @.@

多多一善 :)

Time to performance is more nearer and nearer ...

Oppppssss! TIRED TILL THE MAX :O !

All seniors are coming back to this gathering ! :D
Seriously long time no meet all of them. Let me think back when I was F1/F2.
Awwwwww! :')

Our performances were successful I think. HEHE! :)

Had a little game after buffer dinner. LOL LMAO ROFL.

Balloon session :P! Very noisy and loudly ...

The masterpiece of the game :P HAHAHAHAHAHA!

The another aim - Celebrate Milo teachers' BIG DAY !!! :D
So fast , the another year came.

He very cute and funny. We bought him a 'special' candle.
Hard to blow off one ! HAHAHAHAHAHA! *winks.

Once again , HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! :D
May dream come true and all the best in teacher's life :)

The special birthday cake , got teacher's photo one ! x)

Still the look , never change , never become old one ? I'm wondering...

I had a pretty lovely night with all of them !

很久很久都沒有笑到肚子痛 簡直想滾地了 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 我的天!
笑到眼淚都不停的飃 那種感覺很棒 很開心 很爽 謝謝你們 :D
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Still cant stop laughing when I think back what's happened yesterday ! Really ROFL !!!!!! XD

Milky Green is always LOVE ! xoxo <3 

xoxo !

1 comment:

  1. Yeah :DD So Crazy Yesterday~ It is a memorable day ^^
