
Sunday 16 October 2011

Fashion Show ?

15.10.2011 - It's a saturday night.
As final exam just over , so I went church for joining their activity.
Many peeps ffk -.- ! Jessie , Rong Tsu , Van ... LOL!

The title of this activity was : FASHION SHOW.
All about LOVE EARTH ! 我們要響應環保。

We separated into 3 groups :)

Here is the 1st group ! :D

This is the 2nd group :)

And the 3rd group here :D

We are goin to performance some dramas using news paper.
We used half an hour to discuss and do our props :)
Great sense of accomplishment after did all these :D

The tree ! x)
The spec ! :P 

The corn-cap ! x)

Processing ... ... .. :D

Our skirt , mine skirt :P

(Y) !

 Very successful @ the 1st part. Muahahaha!

This is our drama's question.

Hwaiting their turn to performance .

This is the 3rd group aka last group to performance. The most funniest one !

This is the 2nd group aka 1st group who performance.
Thks for letting me know more about JESUS ;)

And of cause this is my group - 1st group aka 2nd group to performance one!
whee wang wang! NOT BAD HOR OUR DRAMA ? :P

Saturday night full of laughing with them :)

xoxo !

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