
Monday 3 October 2011


Say hello to #OCTOBER ! So fast ._.
Gonna end up with a year. A good stuff for me no joke :)
I hate this year so much. NOWHY.

Haih , still in the exam fever. My chemistry gonna failed ! D:
Please be good. I wasted my whole day time for study nothing.
My mind was so BLANK. wtf :(

Final exam is really making me crazy. no idea.
Cant wait for the time after exam. I'm planing what to do after this .
Muahahahahaha so fast huh ? YEA x)

Still got physic , biology and add math in this week. All in ONCE !
DAMN DAMN DAMN! I skipped my tuition, and staying at here right now :/
LMAO! Tonight goin to burn mid night oil again x(

Tomorrow PMR , Good luck to all candidates. xoxo

I cutted my hair , randomly :)
Not too short and also not too long. Okay I love my new hairstyle.

I'm trying to love my life. 
Using the different way to think :')

Ohhh, school is nice without so much pupils like today! :D
I love the feelings.

xoxo !

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