
Thursday 13 January 2011


HAHA! The picha above, got a story. about me and van!
LOL! SOYA! Daniel ! xDD

 Ytd , went tuition as usual . no place sit becos we were late.
Well , so we sat @ the last row ! yeshhh! THE LAST ONE!
With hoong, daniel and a neighbour xD

So we 5 ppl in a row now . Van was toooooo HIGH!
High till beside she one's also beh tahan! I means the BOY! ._.

140 pupils in a classroom. imagine how HOT am i? =(
But had fun ! laugh laugh laugh! siao po again x)
sighhhh! i miss add math and sejarah again . becos was talking with them.
Play with them like ... -.- 

HAHA! Many jokes were came out from their mouth.

@ last . we stand up together ! why? cant see da whiteboard.

YENG! Got some STUPID too! :P

All were standing there . included me of cos. hahahahaha!
7sin one!

Later , 5pm , goin tuition too. I hope can see you =(

And today we keng sam xi @ skul with BIRD ONG! Jin Pei and Jing jing! 


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