
Sunday 2 January 2011

The feelings of reopen skul

Why so fast reopen skul one ? :( I need 1 more month for my holiday a !

Everyday need sleep @ 10.30am. My mum set it for me . Help !

And i will awake @ 5am. Why So early ! Cos i need to tie up my hair. I will used half an hour for it. Yes ! I dunno tie hair one laa TT !

I havent prepare my mood to skul. Excited and scare =\

And i havent cut my hair too. Fringe too long. They said need tie up too. So, just follow laa. Goin hair cut after skul 2moro.

Btw, after skul, will follow the sot gang to sri setia too. To register for f4 !

The most important thing is, CHANGE CLASS ! Plz :( pray hard! God! Seriously. I need ur help. All the best and good luck opy.

Lastly, i have my new bag and new shoes! Wheeee :)

So meet you guys 2moro! Yay finally i miss you !

Using my hp to blogging. My mum is calling me to stop and goes to the bed -.-

Will be very busy after today. So, will update when i free :)

Ciaoz ! Happy schooling day ! =D

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