
Tuesday 25 January 2011

Hello hello

Walao! Finally i can update my blog. But without any photos. Still waiting step , van and arise ong to update and send me those photoss. :)

Hmm, kinda many things happened this few day. I got so many stuff wan to post out.

Stupid idiot DAMN streamxy! 3 days 72 hours no line -.- argh. Waste my money and also pek cek. Cant do anythings . =\

Yes. I missed many things. But no forgot to wish xiong zai and lala happy birthday a! My two primary bff. Now 1 leng luii 1 leng zai. :) heart you 2 so much. I miss the time wo go roller eh. Yer... Btw, all the best and gud luck! <3

This few days very busy too. Everyday went to skul @ 6am but back home @ almost 8pm -.- So suck rite ? Tired! TT Form4 life is so busy one.

I hope i can life as holidays. Haha. Seriously i wan to update my blog regularly. But x randomly.

2moro stay back again for the performance of friday one. Promise myself have to upload all my photos before thursday .

Sigh! This is my life recently. Hope i enjoy it? Lmao!

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