
Tuesday 4 January 2011

2nd day .

 Very sleeppyyyy! =( I almost sleep in the class today.
Tomorrow still need go tuition in the afternoon.
Morning 6am goes out till 8pm just can back home liao TT

Btw, today's post 's point is , i realized , I fall in love with 4S6 !
You will ask me wthack?! @.@ yesh i also dunno why.
I like my classmate, I like my class teacher ! Seriously, They're so nice!
But too bad , i passed up the form, goin to change class.
They keep discussed in the class . Whether wan change class or x.
No conclusion at last =( sigh! i dunno a! CONFUSE!

Laughed whole day with them too. hahahahhaha!
So funny a! The teacher soooo nicee! And only teach S6!
My add math teacher , BM teacher and  class teacher ! D:

Hong guan , Jin pei , Lih Jing , Van van , Qi hoong , Xin Ying ! :P
wheeeeeee! heart all of you! ^^

So bad all of us gonna change class except hoong ._.
Thursday ! :S

btw, i'm happy today ! Many reason x)
smile ! :)

~TH3 3ND~

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