
Saturday 15 January 2011

my feelingsssss.

人的个性真的很重要 人与人是否能相处得开心 都因为它。
我不孝顺 对不起 我知道我做错了 很想流泪 .. ... .... TT

算了 不提 生气都生气了 唯有让时间过
 我就是这样的一个人 。 笨蛋! -_-

Lately love gossip with them =)
WTH! hahahahaha! *smile smile :D

Very tired . my body my heart my feeling ...
But still need : TU - I - TION XD!

Add math ! o0o ! @.@
Kepala pening ! complicated! I hate it ! argh !
Just chapter 1 now . still got 10 chapters to go! *help!

Btw , it's weekend again ! wheeeee wang wang ! <3
TAEYANG !!!! x)

Went a new tuition center ytd with sot gang. TERRIBLE!
The place i means :/ *think of ghost xD

不要自作多情了。 OPY! =S

Jason : cheer up kay? =) one day you CAN do it !
Belive urself .

Oh ya! went yam cha with them again. HAHA!
Gossip x) They were so funny. 
I <3 honeylemon juico and honeydew ! xD
 Wrote it . Yesh! CNY is coming rite? =P
My mum's one !
 I'm writing mine ! :P
 Nahhhh! dang dang dang ! xD

My dad said : You wrote till very KANASAI a ! ._.

Btw, Don't date me in CNY! HAHAHAHA!
Busy buddy . BBQ again =/

My school bag is 5kg heavy ! SERIOUSLY! =.=

Lately the whether damn cold! why? *freezing 

I learned o0o and LUI from the sot gang!
你们教坏我了! D: D: D:

I'm sooooo clever ! x) LMAO!

Gossip with she , about he , i felt SAD! Omgeeeee! wthack !

知人知面不知心 人不可貌相 !

 Seriously ! I belive in it! YOU! Speechless.
I wont trust you anymore. 出卖我的人不可原谅。

Little bit , ladybird abd bird Ong ! :D
 Man errrrr ! :P

Went add math tuition class just now. *faint!

I'm wrong ! SORRY ! Plz forgive me =(
 Had maggie as my lunch.
 Same as last year, doing the CNY stuff ...


 我寂寞寂寞就好。 我现在心情很不好。怎样办? =(

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