
Thursday 6 January 2011

My new class : 4S2 !

Changed my class to 4S2 ! yes. It will be my new class in 2011 !
Sit with Hong Guan x) Jin Pei and Lih Jing. HAHAHA!
2 38 po! chao ji hua chi! Keep say leng zaii one =P

Hmmp, still got many classmates not really know them.
But i guess S2 will become a noisy and awesome class?
24 boys and 12 girls ! LOL!
Nice to meet all of you! Mostly came from 3J and 3K!
Duo duo zhi jiao! Wo hen friendly d a!
And i wan become sze xuan's best friend liao :D

Yes. we same class . Still got SHIT! I knew you! haha!
wheeeeee! Oh ya cony too!
Started teaching. =( Textbooks havent reach my home ._.
Van leaved me! Hui yi leaved me ! TT D:
WTH! @.@ SADDD AAA!!!!

Stupid principal like to bluf ppl one! o0o!

I wan make new friends! But for sure wont forgot my lovely 3S!

I felt sleepy everyday in class. 
And i will pinch myself and also those ppl who sleepy too!
XD! Still got lih jing's massage will make all of us awake! :P

Added new subject! Physic! aleluya =S

Hwaiting weekend to come! omgeeeee! I wan sleep till afternoon!
Beh tahan! D:

New life started ! You must hardworking for f4 life.
Honeymoon? -.- LMAO!

Ohhh yaa! tuition class! same as pasar malam ._.
But fun! laughed!

I realized , since i same class with jin pei and lih jing.
We like to laugh every min in class. OMG! :/

I dreamed you.

I miss you badly =(

~TH3 3ND~

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