
Saturday 7 May 2011



5th of May , our school had a celebration of Teacher's Day.
6 badan beruniform have to hormat teachers and i'm included.
Wear FULL U ! woohooooo :D

I'm learning how to use PHOTOSHOP nowadays.
For our school magazine's work! Very complicated.
Because i cant dl the program . stupiddddd!
Waiting the meeting on .

Okay ppl , start from MONDAY will be our exam week till 23th of MAY!
3 weekssssssss :/
I havent start study yet seriously.

I'm waiting to fail ? maybe ? No mood to study at all.
My mum was keep scolding me . bla bla bla
Sejarah make me sleepy always. Freshh my mind!

Yesterday finally did our sukantara! phewwwwww
I failed to bring my T shirt. 
Thk Xmiin so much for calling her friend lend me a shirt ! 
awww thks thks thks !!!

Oh ya , I done my moral kerja amal ! woohoooo!
Very funny one . The photosss! With my mum.
Doing houseworks! SO FAKE MAN! But who's care ? ;P
should be satisfied :)

Goin to see their performance later @ carrefour.
Changed place ._. very luen shui aaaa!
I'm soooooo sorry ! I fell soooo sorry toooo!
You will know what's i means if you know the story.
Aiksssssss wo ye bu xiang d =( duibuqi duibuqi duibuqi.

God bless me everything goes well later!!! 
Last time really LAST TIMEEEEEE! :S

I think after this post , i will seldom update my blog.
Or ramdomly ? Or just a short post.
STUDYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Please set ur mind set !

11th of MAY is coming soonnnnnnnn :P
But now i think it's meaningless! 
Because you saw my phone.
... ... ...

It's an exam day. I dun expect anythings from you.
Just let's it goooooo :D

Here i wish those who goin to sit for the exam.


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