
Thursday 5 May 2011

Happy Belated Birthday HUIYI !

Sorry sorry sorry sorry !!! D: Seriously sorry.
I update this post after it happened so many days.
Hmmph ... =/

I'm busying  STUDY nowadays!
kay , busying sleeping or eating laaaaa -.-

The point in this post : HUI YI 'S BIG DAY SWEET 16 ! :D

Okay , i went van's house before went to her surprise party.
My aim for goin her house was done my add math homework right?
But ? dang dang dang dang . You can guess it i think! x) LOL

Reached her home @ 2pm .  
Chating Playing On9ing bla bla bla.

Times passed , met Jun Rong and Like See @ MYDIN @ 5pm.
Then we dunno where to go . HAHAHA!
Standing infront of the OLD TOWN and wating Prawn and ANG ANG!

After met all , went to FLAMING STEAMBOAT.
Everybody reached soon and the most late one was HUI YI!
It's good for us because we wanna hide up the cake and those presents.

This card make me laughed 99 !!! omgeeee you see what they did ?!

Jessie ! became more and more 38 girl in this world! ._.

Siiiii! xD 

It's a raining night. 
And because of the reason of we too many ppl so we sat outdoor.
Many foods at there @.@
I dunno where should i start from ? x)

I love this soooo much! 
And because of this, I felt kinda full without eating anything else.


Without steamboat, still got others can eat! ;D

Very nice yooo! :D

Ice Kacang!

Ice Cream!

I failed to eat them too because too FULL ._.
Very regret nowwwwww! TT

Spot jessie , see whatcha doin her? -.-

They very funny and nice . 4S3 yooo! :P

Group photo TAKE 1 ! ;D

Group photo take 2 ! :D

Ohh ya , we din forgot our winnie the pooh CAKE! :D
Special book for HUI YI one ehh! Touch Touch ? 

Hope she like it and get the surprise we gave .

Big Girl liao loo HUI YI! Dun always cry aa :D

Ang Ang! :)

Jun Rong :))

You see , she received presents until CRY ! :P
Cause toooooo many liao! aiyooo , can share me one maa x)

Ling Lian :))

Yu Bing :)) haha! see his eyes O_O! XD



Xiao Dong ! :) *he very tall laa in this pic :P

Zi Kang ! :))

Jeff Jeff ! :P he very gao xiu one! xD

Gemini Koon ! hehe nice to meet you o ! :D

I'm soooooooo sorry !!! really sorryyyyyy!
But still , hahahahahahah :P *van's skill is pro.

I like this pic! dunno why , feel sooo NICE ? ;D

We ended up our dinner @ 9.30pm .
Had a great night with them , with all S3 gang!
Feel so nice to knew you all :D whee wang wang!

And here i wish HUI YI , HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY aaa! :D
I heart you so much! As you know kay ? <3

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