
Sunday 1 May 2011

Labour Day.

1st of MAY! Labour day yoooooo! Tomorrow no school !
WOW WOW ! :D *winks!
Just back from shopping with family :)

Attended my cousin sister's birthday party last night.
Let's pics do talking.

 A very very nice chocolate cake from a hotel.
Dunno what's the name =/
Seriously DAMN NICE! awwwwww!

 Her presents. <3

 Singing birthday song . 

 Actually i felt soo tired that time. See my eyes @.@

Sing song .

 Blow candle.

 See the cake !!!! :D

 Cut the cake.

 And family photo of cause!

 Hehe ! :D *i look so short ? ==

 Happy Birthday DEAR WAY EY :D

 The strawberry look so nice , but too bad i dun like strawberry one :P

 It's already 11pm , still had cake as our supper? :P

 HUHU! I wanna back home mummy ! D:

 Awwww i like this effect so much inside my camera ! :D

We stay there until 3am in the midnight!
Guess what we did there?

Adults was drinking beer and chit chating.
So i was playing badminton with my sis in the middle of road .
The time was 12am ! -__-

After 1 hour , it's was already 1am , i felt so tired.
But dunno why i just cant sleep , but feel so semangat
GOSH! On facebook through my phone.

It's soooooooo boring duhhhh!
I hope you can phone me @ the time . seriously -.-

While I reached homiee , I just knew how much i miss it .
Straight away lay on my bed ! My eyes was already red in colour @.@
6am awoke , 4am sleep! GENG!

Btw, happy labour day everyone !!! :D
Tomorrow is holiday ! No school No tuition !

Love love love <3

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