
Sunday 18 September 2011

Johnny English

17.09.2011 :))

I slept @ 4am last night and awoke @ 7am in the morning.
Because of my drama practice. Every saturday start from today.
My black eyes circle DAMN !

Only for a few hours. Hehe not bad. Long time never perform drama.
Okay what a good timing now. Thks for inviting me ;D

It's a rainy morning. 

After the practice , while waiting my mum come and they all went back.
Leave me alone sitting on the swing. 
It is the 1st time I did like this. HAHA! I love the feels.
At least my mind can be very silent. 难得我一个人的时候。

2nd round , I went wwm as I promised them.
There is Jessie , Jinpei , Ang ang , Daniel and Aboy.
6 peeps included me . 

Actually our aim to there is to watch Johnny English.
But too bad the tickets all sold out ._.
So we delay to 4.45pm only watch. LOL

Went Jusco with mum 1st only go meet them.
I met Jessie while crossing the road! Muahahahaha ;D

Finally I ate MOO ! LMAO ! Not that nice actually.
I still prefer Tutti Frutti. It's much more nicer and cheaper.
But nice to try if you never try before :)

Only me and Jessie . HEHE!

After finished eating , we only text them ;P
HAHA! I love enjoy the moment with my girl ! x)

It's a story behind this phone ! xD 

SO  CLEAN ! -.- ! 

So we chit-chat at there as still early. still got 1 hour to go ._.

Jin Pei ! :)

Congratz ! The 17th (L) ! :D

Jessie and Jin Pei ! x)


Cam-whored in the toilet as girl also do this :)

Ohhh , we went into a shop and bought presents!
So many friends' birthday lately ._. *BANKRUPT!!! ;_;

Daniel Ng :P

Sorry for the missunderstanding ! HAHAHAHAHA =/

Aboy! He very cute oneeeeeeeee :P

Mr Bean aka Johnny English! Muahahahahaha.

Omg SERIOUSLY a big intro for you all !
Must watch this movie , you will never regret!
I laughed since beginning to the end! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


What a awesome movie :)))))

I kept shouted and laughed with her :P HUHU!

The look of the day! *winks!

Next movie will be watching by us - NASI LEMAK 2.0 !

Oh please GOD ! Please dun band this movie before wednesday.
We will goin to watch this movie @ wednesday.
So after wed you can do whatever you want kay ? =S


Had a happy day with them :)
Looking forward wednesday ! I cant wait for it!
Beside that , please remind me our final exam will be held on next week

I havent study at all ! #FML !

xoxo !

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