
Sunday 4 September 2011

Last day of HOLIDAY !

Yeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! D:
1 week holiday , passed like this ! 

We should have 1 more week holidays actually !!! =(((((
Gonna wake up @ 5am everyday again. SIGHHHHHHH!

It's not the perfect holiday i think.
Skipped many events and my mood was keep up and down.
Not stable at all . But I promised myself , everythings will be new start from tomorrow. I will concentrate in my study for the midyear exam :)

And I will smile everyday ! youwillnotbeeverythinginmylifeanymore.
Figured out some things , I FEEL GOOD :D

I have never even touch my homeworks in this holiday!
ULALA And I'm not goin to do it tooooooo! :P
Always and Always x) xiguanjiuhao.

I wanna have my primary gathering aaaaaaa! x(
I wanna go out movie with you aaaaaaaa! x( 

Btw , I'm really getting more and more fat !
My grandma told me tooooooo.

Goin out dinner later ! LMAO !

xoxo !

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