
Tuesday 24 November 2009

Book fair.

My cube =((
Who make it? Stupid ppl >.<
Wanna beat ppl dy  =X



Awake in 9 o'clock
Den went book fair yg berada di THE MINES
Arrive there at 11a.m.  =)

Thought still early havent had ppls yet
But ...  ><'''
差点窒息掉  =X

OMG`` Saw sum frenz work there
but no discount too  =(

Real many ppls ... all so early wake up?!!
Now holiday worhx

Saw many kind of books lurr
Same as last time
Book fair everytime also same d larx

Jz bored at home, so went there 打发时间
Cant saw rynn 2day =(

Maybe friday will go again 
Cos rynn has there tat day =)
Yay ^^

Bought :

New books again  =)
Sure will bought it larx

忠实粉丝nehx xD
Cost RM16

JC n Fern's present.
Wad inside? xD ... SHHH~

Cost xxx ~ xD

But havent wrap present paper

Pilot Pens
Cost RM3.40

Dunno wad book is tat
I think maybe is 侦探 gua ...
Sis bought d

大力推荐 ~!

Sibeh gao xiu lorhx~
See his looks ... OMG``
Kinda cute rite?!!

Jz finish dis movie
NICE~!  =)
Funny x 100%

Had spent RM50++ there.
Still wanna go out gah ... so how?
Sum1 sponsor me? xD

Had our lunch inside there.
No place 2 sat ... pity =X
Go round n round n round

Finally found a place b'side a leng zaii
Actually he is not leng zaii at all~
But sure muz call he leng zaii wad

If not he wont giv us sat =p
Did i rite? xDxD

Call a bowl of 板面 cost 5 ringgit
 Den i wan sum kicap
U noe wad d ppl say?!

我们的面很够料的 很咸的
所以才酱贵 不过你放心
一定好吃 不用酱油了

Okay ... i accept it
But after i ate d 1st mouth
I was like : wad?!!


But also ate finish whole bowl
Cos nth eat jor
I cook also better den u larx

Aiyooo~ =X

Wad a bad lunch  =(

But dunno y, still many ppls order it
Maybe tat already is most nice food in there
Think so  xD

Reached home sweet home at 4++pm
Terus sat infront d pc still now

Not enough sleep 2day =(


Wanna format my pc again soon

Lazy back up all my bou bui things
But still need back up


Cafe world ... got problem keluar dy
Luckly got kong nee helped me solve it
Hoho, thk larx  =)

Got a gud news here

Last MONDAY ~!
Is mine last day 4 tuition
Until 2010 January jz start bak

Yuhoooooo~ =)
Can go pasar malam dy.

~TH3 3ND~

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