
Saturday 21 November 2009

Hapiii Bufday Popo =)

Ytd had celebrated popo's 53 years old bufday.
Reached Lot10 buffer at 8.45pm.
Quiet hungry dy  =X

Had steamboat buffer too.

B'cos of many ppls there.
Did not had big table 4 us
Tat's y we separate to 2 tables

Children in 1 table ; Parent another table.

So, we 4 children in a table oni.

1st things i ate was TIRAMISU CAKE.
Hmm, quiet nice lurr  =)

Next, i 烧 MUAJI by myself  =)

Tat's mine MUAJI  ^^

ALL the ingredients

Saw we so 认真 xD

1st time d result :

Dun laugh larx~!  1st time marhx
Sure will long jor sedikit geh marhx

Den 2nd time d result :

Jz 1 oni~ But look yummy wad =)

See she ate until so delicious.
Me 烧 d orhx =D

Parents 's table

Our table. Kesian lorhx  =X

My ice-cream.  Mint + Honeydew
All green green d  xD

Had 18 types of ice-cream there
But i jz ate 2 types. Most nice gehx

About 10++pm, is time to zilian larx  xDxD

Too dark, 4got open nite mode  =X

We saw KL Towel while eating in d retaurant.
Capture till bluf bluf. Not so pro  =X

Dunno wad is tat. =.=~

About 12am, we blow bufday cake lurr =)

Dis is popo's bufday cake. Pandan cake
Look nice =)

Sang hapiii bufday song 2 popo

Yeye n Popo =)
Love them much ... muackxx ^^

Dis piece is mine.

1am++  Reached home.
Den faster go oii oii

Fat  ><'''


Today wake up in 7.00am
Had activity in titiwangsa
Wanna sleep arhx~!  =(

Reached there at 7.45am
Jz saw ken, hao n quan oni.
Others havent reached yet. =X

Fern late jor worhx  xDxD

Jz kawad a while =)
Chit chat wid them. laugh laugh laugh

KRS had lawatan to KLCC
Yay~!  =)

11am, we went MC 4 lunch
Wait till 12pm  ><'''
超值午餐.  LOL

Quan n Si Yao gaduh gaduh sahaja
2 dao gei zai also

Thk 4 d lolipop from Amanda =)

Anyways, wad a niceday lurr ^^

追着宫心计 所以打这篇网志
2个多小时 ><"'


~TH3 3ND~

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