
Sunday 15 November 2009


Sg's Ferris wheel =)

So pro rite?!! 角度很好
Dunno who captured d nehx?

I love ferris wheel much
It jz like ... can make me be hapii
Especially supreme of it. =)

Hmmn ... soo 2day can be a bored day?

In the early morning
I was awake n sat infront of d pc

I spent my time 4 dl sum song
My rc , cafee world n hapii aquarium

N also blogging =)
I luv blogging much ... Luv my bloggie 2 =)

Suddenly , i miss my primary skul
Especially Li Shan =((
Wanna date wid ur in dis holidays

I noe i will be bz in dis holidays
Kawad , Milky green , hang out
Of cz need sum time 4 family too~

Suntime , i will feels tat
Actually i dun like my life so much
... EMO -ing


I dun like EMo ... n also i'm not EmO
Tat's me =)

Surf in FB
Had sum message in my mind

Show encrypted text

There is hidden text here

Plz dun ask me d password =)
Jz guess it urself if wanna noe

I HATE error ~

No Reason.

Had a bad news wanna tell ur
I wont post d Sg Trip dy
Reason? Hu care?!!


Dut U.


Ytd nitez had watched Final Destination
Hmmn ... 没有我想像中的恐怖

I had prepared many pillow
But ... 全都没有用上场 ><''' 注定了 就是注定了
改变不了 不管你如何努力
还是无法改变 注定了的事

Had learnt dis msg from d movie ^^

Had our dinner near Ampang
Meet dad's frenz , should say is our frenz 2

We noe each other in Bengkok
When I standard 6
Had went there 4 a trip

Oledi 3 years ago , He still rmb us
Memory so gud =)

Now ... meet he at m'sia



Dunno wad should do now.

有时候 真得觉得自己很矛盾


Shaun Ban say dis pic
I'm look like aunty

I'm jz like ... WAD?!!!
It is look cute ... k? xDxD

No IF.

Anti IF in my LIFE. =)

~TH3 3ND~

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