
Friday 27 November 2009


Went KLCC ytd ... Quiet bored =(
All jz waiting hoong cum at lrt
He lated 4 10 minit?  >.<

He was bzing choosing his shoes
Wanna wait his bro went out 1st
Den can curi his bro's shoes


So ... 4give he larx
Kesian lurr  =X

Zing no wear bigini geh? xDxD
Fern n Zing jz like got mental problem
Too high?!!

Like 2 玩失踪?

We watched at 2pm.

Hmm ... okay lurr
Not sooo bored actually =)

N d aircon 没有我想象中的冷
Anyways, thk victor 4 d jacket =)

Wanna watch new moon in cinema =X
Wanna watch 2012 in pps xD

Grabed picha in fern's fb  xD

Finally i noe wads happend =X
2012 b'cum 2021 =)

New movie? Ehllek~

Fern too mou liu captured it~
Den me also 2 mou liu post it here xD

Where is us? ^.*

Fern zoom zoom zoom - ing

Saw us but bluf ... Fern not pro =p


After watched d movie
We were jz like ... dunno wanna went wer
Walked to a place den stop there.

Went to another place, stop again

Oleh sebab Fern n Zing kena mental problem
They played d life.  =.='''

Finally, we decided went bak home
B4  tat, they bought roti boy.

Many ppls inside d LRT
缺氧 ><'''

Conclusion :
Wad a nice + bored day 4 me.

p/s: Will when KLCC again wid cadets.

After bathing, I'm HOT.

Continue my novel b4 went ttn =)

1 boy in our ttn class oni.
Pity HE


Today is 哈之节.
Many malay cum to mosque
N my house was bising sangat~

Cant slept well  =X
Arg~ I'm tired larx ~.~

Yeye n Popo is going Taiwan 2moro
Hope they have a hapii trip =)

~TH3 3ND~

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