
Monday 25 January 2010

原谅我 不会再信任你们。

Altought today I have to sit 4 my sc n mm's intervensi
But, I still on9 - ing
And I had Tiger Woo Hoo in cinema ytd xD

Comment of dis movie : 赞~!
Kinda funny, especially the ah beng ... zheng fan shu x)
Sejuknya~~~  LOL

At last got abit gam dong ^^
Guess I saw who inside the cinema?
Hoho, primary skul's 双胞胎

Forgot wad their names dy. But they still rmb me
Not bad not bad =D
Praise me lenq luii dy nehx xD

Okay okay, after cinema, it is 8.45pm
Wads time?!!! of cos is my dinner time. =)

Popo's fingers~~~ x)

Bitten by OPY :s

Toilet time. ==

Comment: Toooooo stupid =X
Received a text from unknown in the afternoon.
I wont blog here about dat
But I'm really really angry wid it~ ><
Your're wasting my time. I'm studying dat time
But you used my time ( whole afternoon ) ==
So ... at last your told me : sorry, real sry
And the problem is, ur are my best frenz
Even best best best. Very funny now?
I told your all bout my things, but wad's ur did?
Play? Take it as a joke?
Damn it~
And plz use urs brain n think it
I'm not stupid =X
U're A? Wad honey? GOSH.
Imposibble he will use dis word to me
And his grammar in eng is worse xD
U're M? He was jz told me tat he is tuitioning
How could he text-ed me?
Last, U're KH.
He was inside cinema. I also jz call-ed him
So? =X
Dun worry, I wont post up ur name here
But I would like to tell you, NO 2ND TIME.
Forgive you 不代表 no angry dy.
I'm so hurt when I noe dat ppls are you n you
原谅我 不会再信任你们。
p/s: Thk M for helping me solve dis problem
Thk so much``  I luv you =DDD
U're freaking yeng =)
Went wwm, ching pau told me cinema had open
But, when I went der, belum buka larx
WTH`` =.=~

So, kena scolded by mum n dad =(
Sry larx, not my false wad, is SOO CHING PAU

Popular again, bought my KH notes.
Fighting wid PMR.
Yay =)

I'm playgirl =D
So What?!!!!

Dun forget, U're playboy too =)

~TH3 3ND~

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