
Saturday 16 January 2010

Busy days

Hey ppls, I'm here again~ Lol
Jz finished my sejarah form1 from 2pm - 6pm
GOSH`` my brain is gonna pecak soon

Now atleast let me use my lovely pc 4 an hour

So let me post up all my days now.
Continues my last post~


- Zuraida is damn cute in our class
LOL. she act all the funny action
And tell us so many jokes.

- Sc experiment about smoke
Our 2nd experiment is goin on =D
About smoke. Yerrr`` saw the lungs =X
I really hate smoker, altought my dad are ~ @@

- No pasar malam more =(
Sience skul reopen, I wont had chance go dy
Sob sob TT

- I'm still sad about my key chain
cant eccept the true yet, I miss it so much

- I miss JC =(
Lately less saw her n chat wid her
I kinda miss her much~ Wer r you goin? =(

- Rumah biru's kawad
Hmm, our rumah biru's kawad had started ~.~
And, same as last year, i need cari orang like hell
They hate me much I noe =(  我也不想哒
Detail will post up soon.

- Noe tat our INTERVENSI is include in PMR.
Gosh`` noe wads?!!! Intervensi is 10% of our PMR
Truely pmr jz stand 60% ><
Fainted`` x.x

- Tuition in the nitez

Okay, i accept it~ Now everyone noe bout tat
Include teacher n whole tuition centle? maybe?!
So ... =.=~
Now wad I explain also no use. So, jz let it be ^^

- Tinge had change 代言人
I really cant control myself when my ears heard tat

How bout my RYNN?!!!! =(((
Ohhhhh Myyyyyy GOD~!
Y will be he, I dun like Gary at all~ TT

Why my uncle will change it ?!!!!
Why will becum Gary ?!!!!

Tat means Rynn is not our dy.
Cant cum out wid he dy.
Cant eat gather dy.
Wad also cant dy. ~!!!!!!!!

NOOOOOOO`` Plz tell me tat not a TRUE
;_; ... ~~~ >^< ~~~

- Last ... hapii bufday Wei Khen
LOL. I still rmb his bufday. Cos of 14.1
一月情人节 =D


- Awake in 10am
I'm till tired ~!

- 11am reached skul wid my half-u

Help KRS prepare all the things.
So busy`` @.@

- Orientasi is started
All the ppls saw us jz like saw ghost
Terus run away when we saw them =.=~

Or jz very 敷衍 tell us ... see 1st larx, think 1st larx
Yerrr`` I hate those ppls

But at last, I also 成功 pull those ppls to KRS
Wheeeee`` =DD

- Abseiling
So yeng ^^. I love it
All ppls see our performance. Great~!
* clap

- Milky Green
Btw, my Milky Green also prefect too =)
The show are 1级棒
Help Milky Green 宣传 too .LOL

- Zuiraida no cum
Big newsss to our 3S. x)
Enjoy the class =p

- Wear Camp's shirt
1st time wear it in skul
Weird huh?!!

- Tracfit Jam
Suck in the tracfit when on the way bak from skul
Dunno wad happen wid it
Be late. Oppsss

- Thailand
OWS had went Thailand dy
After 4 days jz cum bak. I will miss you xD


- Wake up at 6am
Fetch sis to skul wid mum

- Morning call
LOL. morning call kar hao in 6.50am
Me dis 人肉闹钟 freaking gud rite? xD
1st time morning call ppls if no wrong. x0

- Karmen house
Thk you ^^

- Krs activity
Our krs activity 1st time wid the new juniour
When i reached, satu orang of juniour pun tak nampak
But, when masuk baris ... o.O

Gosh`` 100++ ppls ( includ senious )
Waseh man`` so scare orang lorhx
Jz like wanna 世界大战~ =X

- Our juniour
They all are damn cute. =)
I love them much. cubi nia~
Sure wont bully them. hahas

- Run whole skul 3 round
Feels better den last time.
Maybe had junious der, give us opm x)

- Suffer time
I'm suffer in kawad today =(
Those bekas is so fierce
So scared ... kena punished dunno how many time dy


We should do the best for those juniour see
I noe tat. But ... ><
Really wanna fainted jor`` serious today

- Maggie mee
LOL. Shell's hot water was finished dy
Wait for the water boil.
So, be late when masuk baris

- Rush
Havent finished my magiiee pulak``

- No competition dy
Sob `` No more competition
Our formasi is hilang =(
Real a bad new for us

- Spaghetti as lunch
I had spaghetti as my lunch in dis 3 days
LOL. Cos of terlalu banyak n cant finish it
So I had to ate 3 days to finish it
Kesian nia , but i love it. Yummy x)

- Had dinner wid grandpa n grandma
Juz bak from the retaurant, continues my blogging
Sry 4 jz now so rush III

piawwww =.=~

Lastly less take picha
I'm bcum lazy n lazy =X

And, I will really TRY MY BEST
Do not touch my pc until the Intervensi finish.
Means, next next tuesday. x)

LOL. Can I do it? *.~

2moro will be a busy day for me. =X
Whole day will at outside. I think so


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