
Monday 4 January 2010

School Life now.

Woke up in the early morning - 8.30am =)
Usually I should woke up between 10am - 11am?
Tat y, i'm so sleepy now =X

And now i was infront my pc, and i'm blogging now

Ytd nitez watched my movie till midnitez 3am +
Kenal scolded dy =(

I love 猪哥会社, wat's a nice movie =)
And also 时尚玩家. wheeeeee``
Okay ... I noe I shoulden discuess movie now =X

After 3 hours ... 3 hours ... 3 hours ( =.=~ )
I'm in skul dy~ dunno wad would happen ltr
 I hope everythings will not change, still as same as last year

But 1 things sure will change, I'm will in 3S ltr.
I still cant eccept it~~~ WTH``

Can't believe school's starting after 3 hours
it feels like the holz just started
But tat TRUE. U must eccept the true =)

I still in the holidays mood. Allah~

I really need keep up my holidays mood
And concentrate in my PMR.
( 突然有没有发觉 我懂事很多了 xDxD )

Oh ya, will less on9 soon ( jz say oni, ahahaha )
Lol. I will xD
Self- control plsss~ =]

Byeiii to my lovely holidays
And welcum to my skul life.
Eveythings will be okay and all the best =D

Pray hard.

Prepare well all the things. =)
New pensil box, new shoes, new bag, new bottle
New shirt. LOL xDxD

And the last one - NEW ong pui yan ^^
New year new life new me.

You shoulden be here. =X
Why you are ?

Gud luck to all~ =)

我要我的老师是 铁金刚。~!!!

~TH3 3ND~

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