
Wednesday 27 January 2010

Pass days

Start from last Tuesday. LOL

1st time of Rumah Sukan Biru 2010
Not bad, The sun was still so hot, Sunburn =(
Finded 30+ form1 for kawad kaki
Hoho ... the result is kinda gud ^^


Luckly had wear half-u, if not~ 80 times
GOSH`` so pity them

Went tuition, the class is very very noisy
All the guys are like? having party?
N my intervensi will be having on
 I'm so dulan wid those guys

Continues study the novel after ttn.


Our 1st day intervensi ... BM + BI
 1st .. I was so 'shock' when I saw the question of novel
Nilai of Paksir Salak~ WTH``
Saya pergi hafal Meniti Kaca pulak~

Stupid ni~

2nd, my eng essay semua broken english
OMG`` And I wrote you - u  ><
Why - y ~ =.=~ @@

3rd, A new skul rules:
During examz, cant sleep, need check ur paper

Wad the point huh? No cmt at all x.x

Finally I saw you x)


No milky green, so I went to skul at 2pm
N noe tat my sej was 28/60 =)
No feeling at all~ Let's enjoy the examz =D

A are not goin to our class anymore
Gud new or Bad new? I real dunno

p/s: Cikgu, boleh saya pergi ke tandas?
Sangat tut ... sudah nak shhhh keluar larx xDxD
( Wad the hell man )


My world are so complicated suddenly
B'cos of sum reason? LOL
Watever, who care rite?

Went to Daniel's house whole days
My mm was so lame~ =(
Cari orang helped xD

rainbow~!!! =)

Luckly he got whole paper, so ~ bocok soalan


I ate whole day. Fat fat fat
And I went Subang SS2 for visiting my uncle
Before dat, Dad bring us to watch racing show
Dat's his frenz x)

All lenq luii lenq zaii der~ o.O
Sumbody was keep kap luii -ing ... ahahaha

After visiting uncle, went sunway~ =D

9pm, we reached home``
Continued my revison


Fine~ Sc paper, I used 1 minit to complited it
All the answer dy hafal in my mind

MM paper too~ no nid 15 minit, already done all
Wad a relax day =D

不知道真相 就请不要乱说话
我发觉 你真得很讨人厌
无法忍受~!!! =x

你的嘴巴很臭啊~ 回家喷香水啦

而且 ... 还要和我同班


~TH3 3ND~

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