
Tuesday 5 January 2010

My 1sr day in 3S.

Suck, really suck man`` =(
3S?!!! Bored + Sienz + III

Sat wid Kamal Jit.

GOSH`` I really duno wanna how to alive in 3S
MM will teach by LBG >< ( I guess it early actually )
BM will teach by Zuraida =.=~ ( die )

Havent have her class, dy call us study d novel.
Monday will ask ~

And also a bad new here.
21th of January, has our 1st examz.


Ytd, perhimpunan ... 3 hour der
The new's headmaster thought us is standard 3
Not form 3. Angkat pensil keluar, tulis......


Cant stand at ketua's car der
2 place to choose, PKP or kantin

All bad news above. wtf

Jz reopen skul 1st day. 1st DAY.
Dy so many problem keluar.
I really dunno wad would happen seterusnya.

Luckly i sat b'side door. Hoho
Wad a feng shui wei xD
Can kap ppls.



Not much ppls larx. 20+ oni
Inteligent class are FULL.
No place dy~ =(


I love tuition more den skul now. =)

2010, I dun think it will be a gud year for me

No PMR right now plz.
1st day skul tell us examz.

The examz list will post up soon. =X

Form3 life .. is really suck.

I wan LBG also dun1 YOU.
100% ppls will agree ME.

Stupid headmaster.
Tak guna otak punya~ ><

Arghhhhh~ GEK

Teach me wad should I do next?
Teach my how to alive in 3S.
Teach me how to prepare my examz in JANUARY.

Teach me~!!! =((((

~TH3 3ND~

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