
Sunday 3 January 2010

Last day of the Holidays =(

Altought the christmas is over xD
Mum say my sickness of 38 is getting worst n worst
ahahahahhah, GOOD~

Sunday today =)
Accompany mum went carrefour to bought 家庭用品
Had KFC as my lunch

Ehem, fast food again~ =X

Btw, had sushi too. LOL


Last day of my holidays~
Reopen skul dy~!!! SO FAST?!!!!
Yiiyerrr =(

I havent prepare everythings yet~
My bag, My shoes, My books, My MOOD

After skul, gonna goes tuition too.
All my life is bak~ same as last time
Form 3 life now, i must keep harder

Saw loke's blog, no teaching suria anymore.
So sad for hear tat.

Who i gonna sit wid 2moro? =X

Blesss Me =)

How is the teacher? fierce or not?

So worry of dis things. LOL

After reopen skul, will less on9
How are my fb's games?

After reopen skul, will less watch tv
How are all my movie tat i watching now?

Tell me HOW?!!!

Should enjoy my last day holiday.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ xD

Less blogging soon. Miss me =D

I miss 2M much. =(

你到底在想着什么? 我猜不透。

Wed should I tuition?
My life was suck~ ;_;

~TH 3ND~

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