
Tuesday 22 December 2009

冬至快乐 =D

Date: 不知何年何日
Location : KLCC

Breakfast : yong tou fu at AMPANG

My 5th time went KLCC in dis holiday~
Okay. If not they wan me teman
I sure wont go~!

Bored~ @>@

Firstly we wanna go petrosains, but it's FULL
So we dicided walked to d park.
Dai b land =)

I found a things
D jaga is damn stupid ><

Picha of my LOLIPOP =)

Wahahaha~ is mine xD

I told d Jaga i'm 11 oni~ She belived =D
So she let me played.

Wheee~ 4 of us. I'm looks OLD


Smile my boy =)

No comment at all~ =.=

Childish~ =p

Curi- curi masuk ke dlm swimming pool
Den kena " piiiiii "
Walk out pulak``

Tak boleh pakai kasut~
Kamu berapa tahun? Tak boleh main~!

Damn her`` >.<

After dis, we had our lunch inside COLDSTAGE.
Suhsi~ =D
Yummy. I'M love with it~ ^^

Bak home at 4pm+ =)


Open msn, bad new sudah mari

Ong Pui Yan had in 3S next year.
Juz 4 ppls in 2M to 3S
N i'm d 4th. Yay`` i m so ' lucky'

No need congtarz me.
我心领了 ( saying to hoong ) xD

Nitez will goes to popo's house eat dinner
Many ppls will go der.
I'm so excited with it =D

冬至节快乐 to everyone.

* Honey finally bak from thailand x)


我很笨 没有你们想象中的聪明。


只要不放弃 就会有奇迹。
( 著名:方启宏 ) xD

~TH3 3ND~

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