
Monday 7 December 2009

My days.


Morning, we went Batu Caves 4 our lunch
After tat, Edmund was rush bak home
for his tae kwon do class.

D class was in PJ~
So we end up our lunch at 2++
Den bak home.

Whole afternoon jz stayed at home sweet home
Continue watched my movie

At nitez, We had western-style food
We went Rendezvous steak garden. =)

 It was at KL.

Actually tat restaurant is my dad's frenz
So we had discount when ate there
Had sum picha =)

Sis holding a bottle of chili sos
N gap zai - ing xDxD

Dunno capture 4 wad actually

Smile plz =X

I like it =)

All r weird  =(

My orange juice ^~^

Dad had finish whole bottle of dis

Alredy kang kang liao

Wheee`` 54 xD

All we drank geh~ =X

I had fish n chips as my dinner
Sis had a plate of mushroom chicken
All tasty lurr of cos =p

Bout 11pm++, we leaved~
Actually we should leaved at 9pm
Cos we all dy finish our dinner

But dad wanna chit chat wid his frenz
N also his frenz was kinda bz
身为老板的 also cant 偷懒 xDxD

So we sambil minum air
sambil wait his frenz free
So ... 拖拖拉拉 till 11++


N noe wad, his frenz keep saying:
wow~ ur daughter verry lenq ya~
muz care properly orhx~ =X

I think he had say dis sentence
above 5 time in the nitez

Admit lenq but no need care so well
GOSH~!  =X
die faster oni >.<'''


We went shopping again~~

We had 2012 movie in pavillion

Finally watched it =)
Hmm ... jz can use 1 word 2 decribe it

So, we spent our afternoon 2 shopping~
At nitez, Popo n Yeye finally bak from Taiwan
Kinda hapii when saw them~

Hmm, fat jor worhx
They bought us dis:

Inside all eat d~ 
Jz can bought in Taiwan

N had sum chocolate tooo~
Bought in airport geh~ kinda nice
Yeee~ I like it much =D

We had our dinner gather
They almost whole nitez saying d life in Taiwan
Jz eat eat eat, too many yummy food

Den freaking cold there
N alot funny things~

Hapiii den gud =)

So next year will go HONG KONG~
i wanna go too xD

After PMR~



Stay at home alone. =(
But i'm not lonely
N i did a veli special things~
U all sure cant imagine wad i did 2day


Yiipiiii~ i prepare lunch myself
Altough i dunno how 2 open gas
So, i had call XXX cum my house 2 helped me

Yea~ after opened gas ... i noe close it larx


Still can take photo tim~

So guys guess wad i cooked?
I cooked PASTA~!
Kinda easy oni ~

So ... i'm not 千金小姐

I noe how 2 cook d~
* clap *

Still noe how 2 wash vegetable.

Cant belive ke?

But d most important things is
It was kinda yummy~!
Belanja Ming eat too xD

Full of water. ~.~
All r FOC  =)

Mine~ =)
Gor saw cute den bought 4 me
Thk ya ... muackx ^^

Still got chocolate smell geh~


Dis piece of paper cost 50K


林宇中越来越帅了 越来越迷他
>/< ~ *.*

Will watch :
1. Jeniffer's body
2. Twilight
3. New moon
4. 巴不得爸爸

after finish my 富贵门 =)

~TH3 3ND~

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