
Wednesday 23 December 2009


Ytd went popo's house for dinner.
We had tang yuan as desert. =D
I did it myself nehx

So pro. xD

16 member family were gather last nite
We were hapii. Keep chit chat wid SY.
She is so funny larx. LOL

We bak home at 11+pm
I love the day. =)


Early morning, we send jiu jiu they to Sri Petaling
Yea, they had leaved. =(
4 days 3 nites in our house.

Miss them much =X

N my life will bcum bored again.
Tze Yi had bak from Melaka
Wheeee, wanna go her house dy xD

X'mas are arounding the cornea
Have many party christmas?
Hmm ... actually not really =X

Morning n Nitez
So, 2 x'mas party here we r =D

So, tat all

Going Tze Yi house =)

Reason reason reason.
Any reason 4 me?!!! =(


3S plz get away from me. =X

~TH3 3ND~

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