
Tuesday 9 February 2010

8th of FEB

Raining now~ Heavy rain wa``
And I'm still on9-ing. Hohohohoho

Actually I dunno wanna post wad up
But had promised yiin had to update everyday
So .... =.=~

Ytd went tuition, we all are too serius?

Wear a spec n listen up wad teacher said
He will asked wad he had said ltr

Whole class were quiet like 15minit? xDxD
Not bad~ very hard to 忍 wan you noe =X

Get orange der. Sum1 drew picha up of the orange
So waste it  =(
But I luv it~ ;D lalalalalaa

Allah``rumah sukan is realy suck larx
I hate sun burn =(

Kawad today, not bad =)
 I would like to say, Rumah biru juniours are clever
They learned very fast

No astro now cos of the heavy rain =(
Wad the duh. =p
Learn from MR.Gary xD

* will update 2moro  =D

So what?


Need to control myself on sms =(

My $$$$ wa`` =X

~TH3 3ND~ 

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