
Wednesday 10 February 2010

In the early morning.

Now is 8.55am, everybody in my house are still sleeping
So, plz dun make noise ya~ shhhhhh =p


So ppls, tell you a bad new.
Dis friday are not goin have holiday
The class are still carry on =X

But, maybe I'm not goin~
wahahhahahaah xD

Ytd was competition of chiness essay
I wrote a perceptual essay : 其实我真的很棒
I remember the camp : Fun 棒 赞

I miss it so muchhhhhi =(

Kk, so I wrote :

因为我离家出走 外婆去找我 被车撞 去世了
... ><'''

Izzit so perceptual? xDxD

Many idea in my mind, but jz hav an hour 4 us
Wad larx ==

I'm look forward to the arrival of CNY
Still got 2 days~! =)

Ehem, many ppls was like interest to my valentine day

My valentine day will be celebrate with my ... xD
Daddy larx~ or bro?  lolz
And I will location in my kampung - Taiping

Tonight our tuition are still carry on too
( havent cny marhx -- )
I'm super duper triper lazy to go~ @.@

My mood is in cny dy wa`` =p

My brain in blank now.
Wad should I do in the next step?

我不会在意一些废人说的话。 =)
别让她影响你的心情~ 不值得丫

或许 他正在羡慕你呢

~TH3 3ND~

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