
Monday 1 February 2010

Bowling @ Holiday

Woke up in the early morning
Actually not dat early =p
Bout 9 sumthings, took my bath n breakfast

Dy late I noe. Sry everyone =(
I sleep late, is my fault
But ...  I'm better den sumbody~ FKK ><

3 of them FKK~ stupid =X
I hate ppls FFK ~ >.<

Fine~ so we had 4 ppls today

Allah`` wad post is dis? ==

After dat, sure pokai xD

I also duuno wad I doin der ><

Result: dang dang dang dang xD


My name is WEI
Poi Wei is YAN

So~~~ I'm the second lowest

Our picha here =)

You noe wad?!! We use RM2 to bought dis things

After bowling, we throw it inside dusbin xD

Next time sure muz bring urself's sock wa```

Saw dis blur blur picha? Tell you a story

今早有四个学生想要合照 找了一位马来人来帮他们
马来人拿了我们的手机 然后我们准备好
要拍的时候 突然间

Mengapa tak ada arhx?

那位马来人把镜头对着自己的眼睛 他以为是古代那种

我的天丫~ 他的眼睛就出现在screan那边 大大个的
忍不住了 笑到疯掉 xD
然后告诉他 是这样这样的 等了很久 我的嘴巴笑到很累啦
他都还没拍好~ 又忍不住笑了

结果 当当当当~ blur blur d ==
GOSH`` laugh till out to the bowling~

Alamak =X


Had A&W again as our lunch
Den, I did sum 38 things xD

I wanna kiss you >3<

He is my man`` MINE one =DDD

I'm so paisehx after tooking those picha
Everybody der were jz looking at me & kao hao
... ><

Oppssssss =p

Last picha of today~ ;)

After our lunch, went popular too
I wan 王子的海报~!!!
I'm soooo regret dat din buy it ~ TT

Walk to poi wei house wid kar hao.
Chat at her house almost 2 hour? @@
Waiting his dad cum bak~

[ Thk you ^^ ]

Done my hw in 2 hour :D

Anyways, I enjoyed today ^^v

Next week again~ LOL

~TH3 3ND~

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