
Wednesday 17 February 2010


8点多就起身了 向爸比拿了红包 RM100 xD
就去婆婆家啦 我们吃斋 =)

吃饱后 就起程回家乡 - 太平 ^^
超级开心的 想到可以见到他们 心里就爽 x)

12点起程 大概4点多就到了

Check in hotel后 休息一会儿 晚餐时间到

Skip skip skip

拍照时间到 =p

2010's models here. xD

actually idk wad I trying to do -.-

Weird picha~ dun see better x.x

Err ... actually I'm trying to act sum post like 大姐大
Hmm, but I think the feel came out was more like 傻婆
GOSH~!! @.@

Yay~ beat you beat you =p

EMO -ing`` shhhh

Lazy to say so much =X
We were playing wid the babies dolls too x)
Saw those picha~!!!

We are childish~! So what =p =p =p

Lastly :

WII~!! =)

We were enjoyed wid it sooooo muchhhhhii
FUN man``` :D

So we bak to our hotel at 1am midnitez
Tired day to me x(
But I'm happiiii ^^

Drank beer too~ ~.~

~TH3 3ND~

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