
Saturday 13 February 2010

Thk all =D

I went to skul ytd. Who cares? LOL
The CNY celebration quiet suck

Sat at 3J class ... shhhhhh =p

Reached der 1.45pm, luckly no late
Went to 3K class ... had fun der.  =)
Cony yaiii yaiii dy larx~ xDxD

A great news here. No hw for dis CNY week
wheeeeeee`` enjoy wa =D
Thk teacher

Oh yea, I ate 6 orange ytd. --
GOSH`` full of orange in my stomatch

Recieved valentine gift from :

From god. Say thk to god ya -.-

From junz junz =D
I love it so much~~ thk ya. muackxxxx >3<

From shaun ban~ =)
Thk too ya~ muackxx

From TK~ =)
I love the rose. lolipop rose xD
Thank too ^^

From Jason. 2 lolipop -.-
Anyways, thk again wa`` (=

Bak home, rush to popo's house for 团圆饭

We had steamboat as our dinner =D
Kinda hot~~~~~~~
But we enjoyed it xD

Ah gor bak from england dy ^^
The red colour shirt d nehx. saw? =p

LOL. Self picha here xD
Guess I saw wad?

=p =p =p =p =p =p

Siapa tu? shhhhhhhh~ * kena pukul dy

My house is messy.

When I was a baby, dis is my bed

Our new shoes here =)

My new year cant live without those novel

And dis is mine~!! ;D

Dis is wad my house =.=~

3rd packet dy~ =.=

Drank all ytd nitez o.O


~TH3 3ND~

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