
Monday 8 February 2010

Saturday + Sunday


Replacement class. Ponteng 2 perioud
Went [ CC ] on9 for 1 hour
Den bak to class. =)

My name kenal dalam borang kawalan.
Tiada masuk class. OPY & SCP
LOL.  *proud

So, I'm enjoyed the class after BM ;D

5.40pm~ Sudah boleh balik rumah
But I reached home at 6.30 like dat =(
Went Jusco for fetching sumone after work III

 Had my dinner at Pandan Jaya.
We waited 1 hour plus for the food came
Gosh`` Can you jz imagine how many ppls are der


I'm feeling full while waiting the food came
Ehlek`` =Z



Went carrefour & tesco. Aim: Bought Tiger beer
RM73.88 for 24can~ Dad bought 5 box

Meet honey der, he is buying too

While waiting they ... I ate whole pack of it
32 piece all~ Hoho  =D
Kinda nice

Went to cat & daniel's house~ My home was bored
Congratz dat Daniel merentas desa got 7th
I'm proud of you~!! ^^

We were juz playing wid the spec ><'''

Home sweet home at 7pm
Den we went Kepong for BBQ CRAB
2kg of Crab for 2 adults 2 children

Waseh`` I'm full till gonna vomit
Whole stomatch was the crab  =X
Gosh gosh~!


Monday today.
Friday is cuming on~ =)

Still waiting CNY~ xD
Ang pao ang pao~ lalalalalala

Tuituin 2nite.
Wheeeeeeeeee`` =D

Ini sape?
Saya tak tau dia.


~TH3 3ND~

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