
Saturday 6 February 2010

Petaling Street

Still wearing my sleeping cloth xD

Thk to Lient Yeat for helped me bought dis spec
Cost RM22~ But ... a bit K sui  =X
I will buy 1 more again  =p

Ytd night went Petaling Street ( 茨厂街 )
Bought new year things worhx dad said~
But jz bought diuk 肉干n 柑

Every year, we sure will go der 1 time
1 year 1 time jek 
Dad say got 新年的气氛 worhx~ III

Many guai lou der ... got 新年的气氛?

I hate those guy~ 把你的眼睛挖出来

Dang dang~ I bought a new watch again x)
Hoho xD

Thk daddy wa`` mwackx >3<

I had 14 watch in my home now. =D
Mum say dat 爸比宠坏我 XD

OMG~ Told you, dis chocalate is kinda kinda kinda nice~!
I really like it so much
But a box of it, jz had 4 piece
=.=~  ...

I still have many type of chocalate in my house
Mum bought it~

Home sweet home at 11pm+
SMS-ed whole the night =X


I'm goin to skul ltr ... Rajin-nya~~~ x)
Vannesa n Kamal are not goin too
Leave me alone =(((

Bad gals all @.@

Cant use the MC anymore
Too many ppls used it, chun bou jor

 Actually, I gotta feeling, I hate replacing class
Suck man`` sure will check dis check dat again
Disiplin are really so important?!!!! Dun think so =X


~TH3 3ND~


  1. dear,u write wrong my name la ~
    is lin yeat not lin yeit la...=="
    y all ppl write wrong my name de?
    is my name difficult 2 spell? >__<""
