
Friday 19 February 2010

Busy all the days =(


Went wwm sing K ~ 1 hour for RM18
So we went at 1am - 2am =)
Last round we took.

Not bad. But no alchoho at der
No beer~! ish  x(
Brought POP~! xDxD ... ahahas

Found a things
 2am - bowling havent close yet~!!!


1802 ( 年初 5 )

Brought sum flower to temple. Yea man``
Temple again~! *ewww
To my kai ma~ guan yin =)

After dat, went pai nian wid my dad's frenz
Hemper again =.=~ GOSH

Dis doggie is cute man~!!! =D
I like it so muchhhhhii~ omg @.@
Isnt it looks like fake?

Told mum I want it as my bufday present xD
Really beh tahan when saw it~
So ge lam lorhx~ wanna take it bak to my home =(

At nitez, we took our dinner wid cousin at Selayang.
We had ate 2 kg crab for RM180++

Total bil for dis dinner was RM734~ -.-

Sum picha took from der =)

Dis lenq zaii is mine~! =)
Handsome + cute boy~ ^^
But kinda naughty ... always bully orang =X

不要被外表所骗哦 XDXD

After 5 days 4 nite
Grandpa finally cum bak from thailand
He bought us chocolate, red wine, marbollow 4 dad
And a bear for me~!!! whheeeee`` xD

I love you wa`` =3

No go tuition ytd~ xD * Lazy worm is in my body now
Havent done my hw at all. My zip of my bag is till close

Headache =(

P/S : Jessie Teo~!!! U're so ma fan larx XO
Friday cannot? Den sunday pun cannot?
Wat larx~!!! -.-~

So now gonna how?!!! >.<

Jason N OPY bu shuang you dy wa``` =X
BTW, OPY miss you so muchhhi xD

Smoke too much?  * owhx~ D:
I realies.  Control plz :S

Lastly, I really busy all the days. GOSH
Pengsan soon. Gonna go out soon again
Seee seee see  =(

* CNY is goin finish dy~!!!!!!! *sigh

Altought CNY is bored, but it is better den skul life
Is'nt it? Yea~ agreeee xD


~TH3 3ND~

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