
Sunday 17 July 2011

Bengkel Day.

16th of July . A boring boring boring day for me.
Hmm , actually I tot it'll be very FUN!
But i'm totally WRONGGGGGGGGGG! TT 

Geeeeeeeee! WTH ! ._.

Almost all of my friend went leadership camp. Included hubby x(
In the same day. HMM ! D:
Left me and Jin Pei! HAHAHAHAHA! We are so alone.

All bendahari and setiausaha wajib attend this stupid bengkel!
I dunno what had I learned -.-
I was like ... JUST DID NOTHING! And waste my whole day time! =/

Oh, got a lecture at PKP with the camp's peeps.
Quite bored too but at least played some lame games!
Heeeeeeeeeeee :D

 My partner of the day! <3 

Too bad she leave early. Leave me alone TT!
So I joined NELSON , Xiao Dong , Zi Kang ... them :)

Conclusion of the day ... REALLY BORED aaaaaa! -___-


Arghhhhh! Fine . Man Errrrr ! She is enjoying her trip in thai now :D

*stay turned ! Tonight ! Family dinner! wheeeee


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