
Tuesday 5 July 2011

Kem Gabungan' 11 Celebration Dinner

It's the 1st day of JULY. It's Friday. It's after school and It's 5.30pm!
Chian Ling , Van , Hubby and I went Titiwangsa Monorail by Van's dad's car.
HAHA! It's my 1st time took monorail in M'sia as I took it before @ Singapore last year i think :)

We goin to Joint Camp dinner celebration @ SHABU ONE! 
It's my 1st time went so far @ the night without parents too.
HMM , Of cause very excited !!! :D

Even I knew that my mum was already angry me =/
HAHA! Because of my stupid attitude x.x !
SIGHHH at last it's passed right ? x)

Waited 15mins i think for the monorail ._.
I tot it will be less people but I'm wrongggggg!
Totally WRONG! wthhhh! You almost cant breath inside !
SERIOUSLY! Scaryyyyyyy! @.@

I dun really like to take monorail i think.
Although it's just too easy to reach somewhere but still ...
I HATE THE FEEL! Ewwwww! Carried my bag hard hard. 
Later kena grab aaa ! :P

Not more than 15mins , WE REACHED ! 
Heeeeeeee! It's still early, so we cam-whored here and there.
And we failed to find the restaurant . We were goin up and down.

So at last we decided asked a guard who standing beside us.
And he told us that it's @ 3rd floor =D
WHEEEEEE! That time was already 6.45pm HAHA!

We are the 1st group who reached ! No one there ._.
I means our gang's people . We too early or they late ?

This is the restaurant! Actually I went there before for 2 - 3 times.
But with family not friends :)

Hubby asked all the price and booked 22's places for us.
Luckily still enough place for us ! LOL
We tot han long already booked earlier but he never ! =S

As we still waiting all the members come , so I just keep cam-whored. XD !

Qi Hoong :)

Adam :)

Yong Yap , Jiunn Weii and Hoong :)

Jian ! :)


Hong Guan :)

S2 one :)

Girlsssss :)

Marcus :)

Kingsley :)

Huii Huii :)

Aries :)

Karmen :)

5 of us ! Left Jin Pei and Mandy x(

Jin Pei :)

Shang Ming :)

Waited till 7.45pm ! YAAAAA! No joke! 
1 hour outside the restaurant and HOW HUNGRY AM I @ that time.

Finally Finally Finally ULALALALALALALA! :D

Not so much foods . TENJI BETTER ! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
But still , I felt very delicious because I really very hungryyyy =/

Dang dang! Our table :D
We separated to 3 tables. And I'm the only one girl at my table.
HAHA I don mind x)

Power to 10 ! Cant wait for it ! Everyone is hungry.
And we kept filled the water! LOL!
Very busy ohhhh!

YAY! 4S2's members ! :D <3

Celebration dinner of cause must do this laa!

When you see this plug , it got a story!
Can make you laughed until stomach ache and lying down on the floor 
Just like me! Just because of KINGSLEY NG!

Ask anyone of them who attended this dinner , 
they will tell you what's happened!

*breath in , breath outt ! *hiuew!

Okay cam-whored time again after I ate finished my steamboat.
Ohh ya , thks dear for helping my peeled the prawn x)
And thks pau pau for helping me to took out the bone of fishes.
And thks Qi Hong that keep making me laughhhh! =P

Nelson :)

Han Long :)

Jelly is love . And I failed to eat ICE CREAM!
Because too full ._. OPPPSSSSSS!

Rojak one :P

Aries again ohh :D

Our table ! *PEACE ^^v

HAHAHAHAHAHA! THIS GUYYYYY! Keep make us laughed!
You know's what ? He said the 干贝 = 海底椰
And 螺 = 蜗牛 ! lmao!

After ... tsk tsk tsk :P

We had a lots of fun while taking those picha!
HAHA! So luen shui one !
All was 4S2 :D <3 *heart them!

Daniel :)

Awwwwww tell you a secret! HE IS JUST SOOOO CUTEEE!
wthhhhh =/

Soo Ching Pau . HAHA!
This is take how many huh ? We 2 keep captured and deleted.
Because he tooo ugly xD

He always wear pink colour shirt one x)

Wootsssss! Love this pic so much! Profile picha laa DANIEL! :P

We were like promoting the basin ? LOL

Dear VAN! <3

Spot infront , the 3 people enough ! ._.

Group Photo :)

Faci only :)

We chatted and played and laughed and shouted ...
We did whatever we did inside there . 
Time passed so fast , it's almost 10pm .
We gotta leave , because gotta attend 1S1M activity 2moro in the early morning. SIGH! D;

Before we END :D 

Wheeeeee! *SMILED! :)

At station monorail , buying tickets ...
22 of us ! x) sound so YENG right ? :D

Spot Huaai Jiunn and the AMOLANG! 
SAW ?!! The different? :P

Inside the monorail , AGAIN! Many people until I cant stand well =/
And I'm already in the blur mood. SO SLEEPY DUHH!

Sat Van's car back to her house and my mum fetched me @ her house.
Slept in the car, 5 people behind a wira's seat . XD
Reached home @ 11.45pm . Straight go sleep .
My eyes almost cant opened up .

I miss the moment with them <3 
The time is too short for us I think .
And everyone were tired that time.

Let's get another partyy again ! wow wow wow :P

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